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An Overview Of Social Sharing Flyins

An Overview Of Social Sharing Flyins

Flyings are a great way to encourage sharing when visitors are most engaged with your post. An Overview Of The Flyin Settings Automatic Flyins are not only extremely easy to create with Monarch, but they are one of the most elegant ways to engage your users. Flys are...

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An Overview Of Social Sharing Flyins

Using Inline Sharing Buttons In Monarch

Don’t skip the basics. Monarch’s simple inline sharing buttons can be placed above and below your posts. An Overview Of Inline Sharing Button Settings Monarch dynamically detects where the content of your pages and posts begin and end so that it can automatically...

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An Overview Of Social Sharing Flyins

Using Media Sharing Buttons In Monarch

Encourage the sharing of media on media-centric websites such as Pinterest and Facebook. An Overview Of Media Sharing Button Settings Images are of the most shared content on the web and there is no reason you should miss out on letting your readers share your...

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An Overview Of Social Sharing Flyins

Using The Floating Sidebar In Monarch

Create a floating sidebar of social sharing buttons that follow your visitors as they scroll. An Overview Of The Sidebar Settings Social Floating Sidebars are a great way to give your readers a quick and easy way to your content no matter where they are on the page....

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An Overview Of Social Sharing Flyins

Using The Social Follow Shortcode In Monarch

The social follow shortcode lets you place social follow buttons anywhere on your website! An Overview Of The Social Follow Shortcode The Monarch Follow Shortcode lets you display social follow buttons anywhere on your website. Althought Monarch comes witha custom...

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An Overview Of Social Sharing Flyins

Using The Social Follow Widget In Monarch

Using the Monarch widget, you can easily add social follow buttons to your sidebar or footer. An Overview Of The Social Follow Widget The Monarch Follow Widget lets you display social follow buttons in any widget area on your site. You can add any number of Monarch...

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Customizing The Monarch Design

Monarch comes with some great design customization options for each integration area. An Overview Of The Monarch Design Settings Monarch is packed full of design options so that you can fully customize your sharing and follow buttons into your website’s design....

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Importing and Exporting Your Monarch Settings

Building a new website? Import your settings from a previous install and skip the steup! An Overview Of Importing and Exporting Your Monarch Settings For those of you who are managing multiple websites or migrating to a new WordPress install, the import and export...

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Using The Override Meta Box In Monarch

You can enable and disable social sharing areas on a per-page basis using the on-page settings. An Overview Of The Override Meta Box Settings Once you have enabled locations in the Locations Tab of the Monarch Dashboard, an Override Meta Box will appear on your post...

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Viewing Your Social Stats In Monarch

Monarch comes with some great stats that tell you how much people are sharing your website. An Overview Of The Statistics Dashboard We know how important it is to see how effective your social sharing buttons are on your website, so we built in an easy way to keep...

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