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Zephyr Projects

Zephyr Projects – Activity

Zephyr Projects – Activity

The Activity page allows you to see at a glance what users have been up to, when tasks were completed, who removed certain tasks or projects and more. It will display activities grouped by the day and display the time and user as well. The following events are...

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Zephyr Projects – Activity

Zephyr Projects – Shortcodes

Tasks: List of all tasks: You can list all tasks by using the following shortcode: [zephyr_task] Single Task: To display a specific task based on the task ID, you can add the ‘id’ attribute as shown below: [zephyr_task id="1"] List project tasks: To display a list of...

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Zephyr Projects – Activity

Zephyr Projects – Mobile App

Setting Up the Mobile App To install the Android App, open the Google Play Store app and search for Zephyr Project Manager from ‘Dylan J. Kotze’ or visit the page here. After installing the app on your device open the app and you will be greeted with a login page....

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