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Site Blog

Site Blog

These settings are responsible for dealing with the appearance of the blog page and single blog layout. You can find it by navigating to the Appearance > customize > Site Blog. It has the following options: Blog Layout Choose the layout for the blog page. Below...

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Site Blog

Site Footer

You can manage the footer of your website with these options. It has given the following two positions: Footer Section Customize the footer images and the colors. Customize Background: Enable this setting if you want to customize the background of the footer....

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Site Blog

Homepage Settings

You can choose what’s displayed on the homepage of your site. It can be posted in reverse chronological order (classic blog) or on a fixed/static page. To set a static homepage, you first need to create two Pages. One will become the homepage, and the other will be...

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Site Blog


This section is responsible for the woocommerce-related settings. One can manage the shop page appearance, Checkout page, etc., by navigating to the Appearance > Customizer >> Woocommerce. Store Notice Enter the store notice that you want to show your...

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Site Blog

BP Nouveau

This control lets the users change the order of the BuddyPress single items navigation items. To find this option, navigate to Appearance >> Customize and scroll down to the BP Nouveau. It has the following settings. General BP Settings Member and Group Avatar...

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Site Blog

Side Panel(Left Panel)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure the Left Panel in BuddyX Theme. The Left Panel is the side navigation panel in the BuddyX theme. It is totally customizable in terms of the links, and icons of the navigations. BuddyX provides the left panel menu...

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Site Blog

Primary Menu

BuddyX provides a Primary Menu location. Menus defined in this location appear at the header of the websites. Define the Primary Menu Name   Login to the WordPress Dashboard. From the ‘Appearance’ menu on the left-hand side of the Dashboard, select the ‘Menus’...

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Site Blog

User Menu

BuddyX Pro theme allows you to set the BuddyPress User menu for your website. This menu needs BuddyPress to be installed and activated on your website. Defining a Menu You must define a menu before you can add items to it. Follow the below steps to define a menu:...

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Site Blog

BuddyX Meta Settings

Page meta settings in BuddyX are unique settings that apply to every individual page and post. They provide specific control over the design of each page or post, allowing you to customize them to your liking. Moreover, these settings allow you to override certain...

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